LTS Highlight Playground
·2 min
Rehype Pretty Code
Highlight Lines
import { useFloating } from '@floating-ui/react'
function MyComponent() {
const { refs, floatingStyles } = useFloating()
return (
<div ref={refs.setReference} />
<div ref={refs.setFloating} style={floatingStyles} />
Group Highlighted Lines By Id
import { useFloating } from '@floating-ui/react'
function MyComponent() {
const { refs, floatingStyles } = useFloating()
return (
<div ref={refs.setReference} />
<div ref={refs.setFloating} style={floatingStyles} />
Highlight Chars
const [age, setAge] = useState(50)
const [name, setName] = useState('Taylor')
Group Highlighted Chars By Id
const [age, setAge] = useState(50)
const [name, setName] = useState('Taylor')
Highlight Inline Code
The result of [1, 2, 3].join('-')
is '1-2-3'
Highlight Plain Text
The name of the function is getStringLength
"imports": {
"lume/": "",
"lume_theme_shiraha/jsx-runtime": "./jsx-runtime.ts"
"imports": {
"lume/": "",
"lume_theme_shiraha/jsx-runtime": "./jsx-runtime.ts"
Line Numbers
export const layout = 'layouts/article-list.tsx'
export default function* ({ search, paginate }: Lume.Data) {
const pages = search.pages('type=article', 'date=desc')
for (const page of paginate(pages, {
url: (n) => (n === 1 ? '/' : `/p/${n}/`),
size: 5,
})) {
yield page
Shikiji Transformers
Type import doesn’t work in Deno.
// import { rendererRich, transformerTwoslash } from 'shikiji-twoslash'
import { rendererRich, transformerTwoslash } from 'npm:shikiji-twoslash@0.10.1'
renderer: rendererRich() // <--
interface Todo {
Todo.title: string
title: string
const const todo: Readonly<Todo>
todo: type Readonly<T> = { readonly [P in keyof T]: T[P]; }
Make all properties in T readonlyReadonly<Todo> = {
title: string
title: 'Delete inactive users'.String.toUpperCase(): string
Converts all the alphabetic characters in a string to uppercase.toUpperCase(),
const todo: Readonly<Todo>
todo.title = 'Hello'
var Number: NumberConstructor
An object that represents a number of any kind. All JavaScript numbers are 64-bit floating-point numbers.Number.p- parseFloat
- parseInt
- prototype
NumberConstructor.parseInt(string: string, radix?: number): number
Converts A string to an integer.arseInt('123', 10)
import { getHighlighterCore } from 'shikiji/core'
const highlighter = await getHighlighterCore({})
// @log: Custom log message
const a = 1
// @error: Custom error message
const b = 1
// @warn: Custom warning message
const c = 1
// @annotate: Custom annotation message
const HTML = await Deno.readFile("./index.html")
Deno.serve((req: Request) => new Response(HTML, {
headers: {
'content-type': 'text/html',
const const FILE_URL: string
FILE_URL = new var URL: new (url: string | URL, base?: string | URL) => URL
The URL interface represents an object providing static methods used for creating object URLs.
[MDN Reference]("/movie.webm", import.meta.ImportMeta.url: string
url).URL.href: string
[MDN Reference](
export default {
fetch: (req: Request) => Promise<Response>
fetch: async (req: Request
req: Request) => {
const const res: Response
res = await function fetch(input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response>
[MDN Reference]( FILE_URL: string
return new var Response: new (body?: BodyInit | null, init?: ResponseInit) => Response
This Fetch API interface represents the response to a request.
[MDN Reference]( res: Response
res.Body.body: ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | null
[MDN Reference](, {
ResponseInit.headers?: HeadersInit | undefined
headers: {
'content-type': 'video/webm',